Hospitality Heartline |
New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Employees Deliver Holiday Cheer To Patients At Ochsner Hospital For Children

Nearly $1500 in Toys Donated on behalf of Convention Center Staff
Santa's elves brought plenty of smiles to small faces as they delivered a hefty sack of toys to Ochsner Hospital for Children.
New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center employees contributed $1,486.00 via payroll donations to raise funds to buy toys for the young patients who are spending their Christmas in a hospital setting as they battle various illnesses. Employees used their personal PTO hours to shop for toys at various local stores on Wednesday, December 21, then delivered the toys the following day, Thursday, December 22.

The Convention Center's staff chose the Ochsner Hospital for Children because of the hospital's commitment to improving the quality of life for New Orleans children and their families.